Beers of the World – Portugal

Super Bock, UNICER União Cervejeira S.A., Portugal is the country’s best selling beer. Classifying its style can be difficult; marketed as a bock, it leans toward the American Pilsner style, bordering on malt liquor, yet retains some of the boozy traits of bock. As such, Super Bock pours light gold colored with a nose of low straw and a very faint floral scent. Flavors of malt sweetness and light lemon rind mingle in a light to medium body which finishes malty sweet, but short of cloying. Beer Fest tickets make



Ringnes Bryggeri, Oslo – is Norway’s largest selling beer. It offers a deep straw color with hints of orange hue. A white head of moderate height may produce a bit of lacing along the walls of the glass. Aroma is of sweet malt with only a hint of hops. Flavor is of a slight bitterness as normal in the pilsner style and includes a bit of graininess within the malt. Body is light with moderate carbonation and clean light finish. Beer Fest General Admission tickets available now at or


Beer of the Day: Kugalashae

Kugalashae, Tirana – The most popular beer in Albania and formulated under the pilsner style; pours a bright yellow\faint gold color with a quickly collapsing white head that stays out of your way. Aroma is of low caramel, sweet and perhaps a touch of diacetyl (butter). It presents a sweetness to the palate with some bittering and a balanced finish. Beer Fest VIP tickets available now at or follow this link Copyright Gregg Smith – his latest book “American Beer History” is available on Amazon  



On this day in 1810 Prince Ludwig of Bavaria wed Princess Theresa of Saxony-Hildburghausen. The Prince was so pleased that he invited the entire kingdom to join in the reception. Embracing the party with wild enthusiasm, the celebration has continued each year since and is known as Oktoberfest.    June is the most popular month for weddings and it also hosts the Mountain Brewers Beer Fest next held on June 5, 2021; plan on attending.



Today’s Virtual Beer – Crazy Donkey Ale Santorini Brewing, Sabtorinin, Greece – An American IPA brewed in Greece? Why not, craft brew continues to spread. Santorini’s ‘Crazy Donkey’ is a tribute of sorts to both a symbol of rural Greece and craft brewing. Amber Red with a touch of haze, Crazy Donkey sports a rocky head. Aroma is a hoppy, citric\spicy mix from Cascade and Nelson hops. Finishes appropriately bitter and dry. BEER FEST in Idaho Falls – Date change to 8 August, on-line ticket store is open now at



The NABA Beers of the World brings you this virtual beer. Ommegang Abbey Ale, Cooperstown, NY USA – Crafted in the image of Belgian Dubbel, the reddish brown hues are almost Mahogany-like. Sitting atop this ale is a long-lasting, creamy-white head which elegantly laces down the glass. Flavor is Belgian-like with deep malty sweetness, hard candy, caramel\toffee, honey and a light, spicy character that suggests citrus, clove, and vanilla. It has medium body and carbonation, finishing sweet and nearly sticky. Idaho Falls Beer Fest June 6, 2020 Tickets on sale



Ursus Black, Ursus Breweries, Cluj Napoca, Romania – Ursus, or Bear, thus it’s named after a Black Bear. Dark, nearly opaque; topped with a creamy colored head. Aroma is of dark bread, dark malts, and dark sugars. It’s sweet; a dark almost burnt character underneath an intense sweetness punctuated by a bit of licorice. Mouthfeel is similar to a Schwartz beer and it seems light compared to the intense sweetness. Bitterness makes an appearance in the finish. ©   BEER FEST 2020 in Idaho Falls – June 6th Tickets on sale



Birrra Moretti La Rossa, Birra Moretti, Italy – A glass presents an attractive, bright red\amber beer with a lasting cream-tan head. Aroma is soft with equal amounts of dark bread, highlighted by dark fruits including prunes, raisins and a bit of molasses. Regardless of all that, the body is lighter than anticipated. With this beer emphasis is placed squarely on the malt and alcohol, hops are subtle and restrained. Finish is perfume-like alcohol and a light spiciness. © Gregg Smith Mountain Brewers Beer Fest – June 6,2020 in Idaho Falls,



Super Bock, UNICER União Cervejeira S.A., Portugal is the country’s best selling beer. Classifying its style can be difficult; marketed as a bock, it leans toward the American Pilsner style, bordering on malt liquor, yet retains some of the boozy traits of bock. As such, Super Bock pours light gold colored with a nose of low straw and some very faint floral scent. Flavors of malt sweetness and light lemon rind mingle in a light to medium body which finishes malty sweet, just short of cloying. © Gregg Smith, Mountain


Ringnes Bryggeri

  Ringnes Bryggeri, Oslo – is Norway’s largest selling beer. It offers a deep straw color with hints of orange hue. A white head of moderate height may produce a bit of lacing along the walls of the glass. Aroma is of sweet malt with only a hint of hops. Flavor is of a slight bitterness as normal in the pilsner style and includes a bit of graininess within the malt. Body is light with moderate carbonation and clean light finish. © Gregg Smith Mountain Brewers Beer Fest – June