This Day in Beer History

On this day in 1998, the USS Constitution “Old Ironsides” celebrated its 200th birthday. Navies from six foreign countries sent ships to join in the celebration and the Harpoon Brewery of Boston hosted a party for the thirsty and appreciative sailors. Of course sailors are always appreciative of both beer and of whomever is buying. Beer Fest tickets available now at or follow this link Copyright Gregg Smith – His latest book “American Beer History” is available on Amazon


Beers of the World

Victoria formerly Grupo Model S.A. de C.V. Mexico – Representing an interpretation of the Vienna style, Victoria was one of the first beers in the company’s portfolio when it was formed in 1925. It has a deep amber color, a soft, quickly fading head. The beer generates a light malty aroma with a touch of caramel and light hints of biscuit. Flavor is of toasty malt and low honey with well-balanced hops. Body is medium-low and yields to a fairly dry finish. Victoria matches up well with Mexican food. For


Beers of the World

La Fin Du Monde, Unibroue, Quebec, Canada – “The End of the World” offers a  Belgian-style, bottle conditioned,  Tripel with a name harkening back to the belief of the first French explorers arriving in North America. Hazy gold with a large, rocky Belgian style head and the lightest of lacing as you work your way through a glass of this simply delightful beer. Aroma is of fruity esters that mix pear, peach, apple and banana with spice of coriander, clove and white pepper.  Flavors are equally complex including light toffee


Beers of the World

Asahi Super Dry, Asahi Breweries, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan A mainstay of the ‘flashing blades of steel’ restaurants, Asahi was introduced in 1987 as a more full flavored beer that would finish dry. It rode the short-lived “Dry Beer” trend which vaulted it past Kirin in sales. Unlike others, Asahi remained popular as Dry Beers faded. Pale gold in color it has a medium sized, white head that leaves a hint of lace in the glass. Its nose is faintly malty and grain-like. Asahi presents a somewhat malty taste yielding to


Beers of the World – Wit

BELGIUM Hoegaarden White Ale, Belgium – Most noted for its cloudy soft yellow color with white, high reaching head. The aroma is somewhat sweet with floral, Orange and Coriander mixing in a sophisticated bouquet. Almost juicy, sweet and tart, it opens with Coriander which quickly introduces Orange and other citric flavors. Hops remain appropriately low for this style. Body is medium as is the carbonation. It finishes sweet, citric and refreshing. For more on the Wit style visit the NABA Blog via the following link. Beer Fest tickets available now



Flag Speciale Société des Brasseries du Maroc, Fez, Morocco – “Like an old work of Shakespeare we’re Moroccan bound” A Pale Lager pours clear and golden with a light orange hue topped by a thin white head (better to set a Fez upon). Aroma is of pale malt, low honey and a citric that almost seems a hint of soapiness. Flavor is of malt, grainy, straw-like. Body is thin. It finishes grassy, and somewhat bitter. Beer Fest tickets available now at or follow this link Copyright Gregg Smith –


Beers of the World Greece

Crazy Donkey Ale Santorini Brewing, Sabtorinin, Greece – An American IPA brewed in Greece? Why not, craft brew continues to spread. Santorini’s ‘Crazy Donkey’ is a tribute of sorts to both a symbol of rural Greece and craft brewing. Amber Red with a touch of haze, Crazy Donkey sports a rocky head. Aroma is a hoppy, citric\spicy mix from Cascade and Nelson hops. Finishes appropriately bitter and dry. Please vote for the Mountain Brewers Beer Fest under best annual event and the NABA under best non-profit in the Post register’s


Beers of the World

Ommegang Abbey Ale, Cooperstown, NY USA  (Parent Company Duvel) – Crafted in the image of Belgian Dubbel, the reddish brown hues are almost Mahogany-like. Sitting atop this ale is a long-lasting, creamy-white head which elegantly laces down the glass. Flavor is Belgianish with deep malty sweetness, hard candy, caramel\toffee, honey and a light, spicy character that suggests citrus, clove, and vanilla. It has medium body and carbonation, finishing sweet and nearly sticky. VOTE for the NABA as Best Non-Profit and the Beer Fest as Best Annual event in Post Register



Ursus Black, Ursus Breweries, Cluj Napoca, Romania – Ursus, or Bear, thus it is named after a Black Bear. Dark, nearly opaque, it is topped with a creamy colored head. Aroma is of dark bread, dark malts, and dark sugars. It presents a dark almost burnt character, offset by an intense sweetness and punctuated with a bit of licorice. Mouthfeel is similar to a Schwartz beer and seems light compared to the intense sweetness. Bitterness makes an appearance in the finish. Beer Fest tickets available now at or follow


Beers of the World – Italy

Birrra Moretti La Rossa, Birra Moretti, Italy – It announces its arrival in the glass with an attractive, bright red\amber color topped with a lasting cream-tan head. Aroma is soft with equal amounts of dark bread and dark fruits which includes prunes, raisins and a bit of molasses. With all that the body is lighter than anticipated. With this beer emphasis is placed squarely on the malt and alcohol, hops are subtle and restrained. Finish is perfumey alcohol and a light spiciness. Beer Fest tickets available now at or