Beers of the World – Boston Lager

Sam Adams Boston Lager – One of the first craft style beers, it’s in the general style of a German Lager, bright Amber\orange and topped by a light cream colored head. Boston Lager greets you with a caramel sweetness and a gentle aroma of noble hops leads to a malty flavor complemented by a low, hoppy, spicy character and medium body. The finish begins moderately sweet then turns medium dry. It pairs more readily with food than more hoppy  beers such as IPA’s. Sample beers like Sam Adams at Zoo


Beers of the World – China

Snow Beer, China Resources Breweries Limited (originally brewed in) Shenyang, China – Light straw colored, Snow pours bright. A low suggestion of grain rises off the beer with a hint of cooked corn. Generally of the American Pilsner style, it has a light body with just enough hops to offer a little bittering bite. Mouthfeel is light and carbonation is lively.  Much like the Japanese Dry Beer style the Chinese to desired a light beer they could consume without interfering with food. Snow seems to fit that mold. Beer Fest


Beers of the World: Costa Rica

Bavaria Dark, Florida Beer Company, La Ribera de Belén, Heredia, Costa Rica – Described by some as a version of a Schwarzbier, and by others as Munich Dunkel, it’s actually a sort of hybrid and more like Negro Model in a light rendition of that type. Off medium-dark brown color it has an off-white head and some lacing. A mild hop aroma mingles with an almost toasty malt nose. The taste has hints of chocolate, roast malt, and nutty in a well-balanced beer. Mouthfeel is a bit creamy. Bavaria finishes


May the 4th be with you

“Help me OB-1 You’re my only hope”. Okay, but was Princess Leia actually talking about Snake River Brewing and its OB-1 Organic Brown Ale? Direct to you from Jackson Hole, Wyoming and much fresher than from a Galaxy Far, Far away, this Brown beer shines bright and almost garnet when held up to the light. Topped off by an off-white head that lazily laces down the glass; it offers up a somewhat malty aroma with a touch of toasty-ness. The taste delivers crystal and a light bit of roasty malts


Liberty Ale

Liberty Ale, Anchor Brewing, San Francisco, California, USA – From the brewery rescued by Fritz Maytag comes this hoppy ale, championed around the country by ‘Uncle’ Bob Brewer. First issued on April 18, 1975 it celebrated the 200th anniversary of Paul Revere’s ride and was the first ‘new’ beer to follow Anchor Steam from the brewery. Pouring Orange\Golden, it sports a generous head. Aroma is the similar to the subtly spicy character released by the unique Anchor yeast that produces ‘Steam’ beer along with dry hops from whole leaf Cascade


We’re on the Road to Morocco…

Casablanca Beer, Socciété des Brasseies du Maroc,  Fez, Morocco –     Major Strassa -“Well Mr. Rick, what brings you to Casablanca?”,    Rick – “I came for the waters.”,     Major Strassa -“Waters? What waters? There are no waters in Casablanca.”,     Rick – “I was misinformed.”  True enough, there are no waters, but there is beer. The namesake, Casablanca, a popular brand among Moroccan beer drinkers, is also served in the Morocco pavilion at Epcot in Walt Disney Orlando, Florida. Was this what Hope and Crosby were seeking on


Santa Crawl (December 11th) and Winter Beers

Join the Santa Crawl for the opportunity to sample some Winter Beers. Be careful, these tend to be stronger than the regulars in a brewery’s stable. They usually run from cooper to deep amber hues. Spices most commonly applied include nutmeg, cinnamon, and allspice, but some dig deeper into the spice rack for clove, ginger, licorice, molasses, coriander, Curaçao and others. Any or all of the spices may leap out of the bouquet in a virtual spice imitation of dry hopping. Consider purchasing a quantity well in excess of what


Beers of the World

Belikin Belize Brewing Co., Ltd. Belize City, Belize – The name “Belikin” comes from the Mayan language and means “Road to the East” and ex-pats in an evading rush to Belize are chastened by a ‘one beer’ country; or at least a country where-in the imports are controlled by one company. Thus, most are driven to Belikin, which presents a medium gold appearance with a rather thick head that collapses in good order. Aroma offers a hint of caramel and adjunct grains. Flavor is of caramel, bread, grass, sweet corn


Beers of the World

Fuller’s London Pride, Fuller Smith & Turner, Chiswick, West London, England – English Pale Ale of some noteworthiness, London Pride is of a bright light amber color with a slightly off-white head which laces down the glass. Aroma of fruity esters as expected in an ale mingling with English hop varieties. Flavors are malty caramel, sweet, a bit of breadiness and the earth tones of British hops. Carbonation is low to moderate in a medium bodied beer. Finishes with well-balanced caramel and hops. Beer Fest tickets available now at


Beer Review

Stubbornness, English Style Barley Wine, Bombastic Brewing, A deep, deep amber brown beer with a tan-like head, sports a nose of strongly malt and alcohol notes, small surprise for a 12.9% abv beer. It’s malt forward in this one, backed with earthy notes commonly found in English varieties of hops. Finish is long, malty and somewhat sweet without reaching cloying. Beer Fest tickets available now at or follow this link Copyright Gregg Smith – His latest book “American Beer History” is available on Amazon