
FRANCE   Brasserie Castelain – from the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region of France. Castelain has rich golden tones which nearly illuminate this bright beer. A light cream colored foamy head rises majestically then laces its way down the beer as it’s consumed. Light floral notes accompany this beer’s light toastiness backed by caramel. It offers a subtle graininess, a hint of nutty character and a subdued breadiness. It finishes with low hops and a touch of barely domesticated yeast spiciness. © Gregg Smith ZOO BREW – September 13th     5 to 9



BELGIUM Hoegaarden White Ale, Belgium – Most noted for its cloudy soft yellow color with white, high reaching head. The aroma is somewhat sweet with floral, Orange and Coriander mixing in a sophisticated bouquet. Almost juicy, sweet and tart, it opens with Coriander which quickly introduces Orange and other citric flavors. Hops remain appropriately low for this style. Body is medium as is the carbonation. It finishes sweet, citric and refreshing. © Gregg Smith ZOO BREW –  Friday September 13th, 5 to 9 p.m. at the Idaho Falls, Zoo


Mahou – Spain

  Mahou Negra – Brewed by Mahou S.A. This beer makes no attempt at imitating light Euro-lagers. It dives into the glass a deep dark brown. Lively carbonation releases a half-inch think head that quickly settles into a thin layer on top of this rich tasting beer. Coffee-like roasted malt along with molasses dominates the aroma and also opens up the flavor of the beer, then produces a creamy and nutty, almost Almond character and some bitterness at the finish. © Gregg Smith ZOO BREW – September 13, 2019  at



  A.Le Coq Porter, Finnish Olvi säätiö – Owns a dark reddish-brown appearance in a likeness to Baltic Porter. It’s topped by a beige foamy head which lasts an acceptable amount of time through the drinking. With the addition of dark malts, it has a profile that includes biscuit, a suggestion of licorice hints of dark fruits such as plum and an almost berry like character. It is sweet and just short of cloying. © Gregg Smith Zoo Brew – 5 p.m. September 13, 2019 @ Idaho Falls Zoo


Boise Brewing Black Cliffs American Stout; Boise, Idaho

A multiple time medal winner at the North American Beer Awards and the GABF; it pours dark black while raising a khaki foam which fashions lacy trails down the glass. Aroma is of coffee-like roasted malts, a bit of caramel and a kiss of cocoa. Flavor offers roasty coffee, a bit of piney hops, chocolate and molasses. Full bodied, it finishes semi-dry with a touch of roastiness. Find the multiple Boise Brewing tap takeovers during Idaho Beer Week, check the events section of © Gregg Smith


Mutton Buster Brown Ale

Mutton Buster Brown Ale, Payette Brewing; Boise, Idaho –Rather than trying to bulk up into a distorted image of the style Mutton Buster thankfully remains true to the Brown Ale style. It begins with the medium brown color with a hint of orange and a frothy, cream colored head. Aroma is of roasty, chocolate and caramel malts with lead you directly into the beer. It’s semi sweet with a bit of both nutty and bready flavors. Body is medium-low as per the style and a little bitterness in the finish.


Prickly Pear Pale Ale, Lewis and Clark Brewing; Helena, Montana –

USA Light gold with a touch of copper and a light off-white head. Aroma is Northwest hops along with notes berries and tropical fruit. Flavor is of citric hops, a suggestion of bread and, of course, prickly pear, although hoppy it also exhibits some malty sweetness. Body is that of a light medium texture expected from an American Pale Ale and finishes with somewhat spicy, dry bitterness. Find the Lewis and Clark tap takeover during Idaho Beer Week, check the events section of © Gregg Smith Mountain Brewers Beer


Breakside IPA

Breakside Brewing; Portland, OR – Bright attractive copper colored with a white head lasting through the initial portion of the beer. Aroma is of grapefruit and pine from floral hops. An orange citrus with a bit of tropical fruitiness opens the flavor and is soon joined by biscuity malt and just enough bitterness. Body is medium as is the carbonation; it finishes somewhat dry with a light, softly lingering bitterness. Find the Breakside tap takeover in the events section of © Gregg Smith



Švyturys Švyturio – A pale lager of somewhat deep straw color, it sports a white head which last through a moderate duration.  Aroma notes present a touch of hay, a light grassiness and some floral hops. A slightly malty beer it has favors hops with a suggestion of corn. Its light-medium body fades to a low bitterness at the finish. © Gregg Smith Mountain Brewers Beer Fest – First Saturday in June, Idaho Falls, ID


Pilsner Urquell – Czech Republic

Pilsner Urquell

Pilsner Urquell – Slightly hazy, it has a thick white head. The aroma yields spicy notes from the use of Saaz hops along with a somewhat bready character. Flavor is of bready malts, grain a hint of pepper and a little suggestion of grassiness; a touch of buttery diacetyl may be detected. Body is medium and it finishes medium dry with a pleasing and lingering hoppy bitterness.