Ursus Black, Ursus Breweries, Cluj Napoca, Romania – Ursus, or Bear, thus it’s named after a Black Bear. Dark, nearly opaque, topped with a creamy colored head. Aroma is of dark bread, dark malts, and dark sugars. Sweet; with a dark almost burnt character underneath an intense sweetness, punctuated by a bit of licorice. Mouthfeel is similar to a Schwartz beer and it seems light compared to the intense sweetness. Bitterness makes an appearance in the finish.

© Gregg Smith

Zoo Brew Returns August 18th from 5 to 9 p.m. In honor of Zoo Brew we’re looking at animal named beers – to purchase advance discounted tickets for Zoo Brew go here – https://www.eventbrite.com/e/zoo-brew-tickets-551700279387

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