Craft Brew Sell Off

A report released today claims that Anheuser-Busch Inbev will be selling off part of its craft brewing business. These include Shock Top, Square Mile Cider, Blue Point Brewing, Breckenridge Brewing, 10 Barrel Brewing, Widmer Brothers, Redhook and Hiball Energy. The reported sale price was 85 million to the Canadian operating branch of Tilray. The sale would make Tilray the 5th largest craft brewer with 5% of the Craft Beer Market. Zoo Brew Returns August 18th from 5 to 9 p.m. In honor of Zoo Brew we’re looking at animal named beers



Carlsberg Elephant, Carlsberg Group; Copenhagen, Danmark A/S is a so-called ’Bock Bier’ Light golden colored, it pours bright with a white head of medium length. Aroma is of apples and melon while flavor is malty, with some notes of fruit a touch of caramel and an almost balancing bitterness. A hefty malt bill produces a beer Carlsberg would refer to as a Bock, but most Americans would probably refer to it as somewhat malt liquor like. It has a medium mouth full but packs a respectable 7.2% ABV. It finishes


Beers of the World Guatemala

              Gallo, Cerveceria Centro Americana, Guatemala City, Guatemala – Gallo (meaning Rooster) offers a light yellow\straw appearance with a smallish white head. Aroma is grainy with a bit of malt and extremely low hops. Taste is of pale malt, cereal grains, corn, a light kiss of hops. Body is light and carbonation is lively in the style of a beer designed for the tropics. It finishes with a light sweetness and a bite that is more carbonic than from hop bitterness. © Gregg Smith


Beers of the World Romania

Ursus Black, Ursus Breweries, Cluj Napoca, Romania – Ursus, or Bear, thus it’s named after a Black Bear. Dark, nearly opaque, topped with a creamy colored head. Aroma is of dark bread, dark malts, and dark sugars. Sweet; with a dark almost burnt character underneath an intense sweetness, punctuated by a bit of licorice. Mouthfeel is similar to a Schwartz beer and it seems light compared to the intense sweetness. Bitterness makes an appearance in the finish. © Gregg Smith Zoo Brew Returns August 18th from 5 to 9 p.m. In


After 127 Years Anchor Closes

Sapporo USA has announced the closing of Anchor Brewing brining to an end their classic Steam Beer. Sapporo had purchased the company in 2017 for 85 Million dollars. This past June the company pulled sales back from national to California only. It was rumored that the company had let go the entire sales force over the prior year and this resulted in a brew schedule for August of only 400 barrels, a trickle when compared to the Brewery’s peak production of well over 100,000 barrels. Some news sources have speculated


When Going Green has Unintended Results

The EU is revising a directive to cut down on packaging waste. The proposed change would require all packaging to be reusable or recyclable; at face value it seems a reasonable idea. However, it also states that all such packaging must include an “indelible code” to trace the recycling of materials. Problem is most breweries in the EU have refillable glass bottles with paper labels. There is no indelible code because it was not included when the glass was manufactured and the paper label is washed off so the bottle


How did Beer Fest Do?

              This time of year we get a lot of questions about how well did the Beer Fest and Competition make out? We can’t tell you exactly because we are still waiting for invoices (those yucky Bills) to come in from a wide variety of places like dumpsters, ice used, trucks rented, fuel bills, etc. etc. That said what we can tell everyone is that both attendance and revenue was up for the Fest and revenue was also up for the Competition. As soon


New Parking Area for Beer Fest

New parking area – since closing the Race Track the old infield is now a convenient Parking area. For larger view of map Right Click on Image then select copy image, paste into a document.