Harpoon IPA, Harpoon Brewery, Boston, Massachusetts – Bright, medium\dark gold topped with a somewhat thin white head. Nose is floral and offers a piney almost resin quality. Flavor is sweet malt, caramel and citric notes of orange and grapefruit. Body is medium with a creamy mouthfeel produced by light carbonation. Hops are fairly assertive with a piney finish. This was one of the first successful east coast IPA’s.
Mark your calendars, Mountain Brewers Beer Fest –June 3rd, Idaho Falls, ID – TICKETS on sale now at
Copyright Gregg Smith – His latest book “American Beer History” is available on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/American-Beer-History-Mayflower-Microbreweries/dp/108155410X/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=American+Beer+History&qid=1625503750&sr=8-2