When Going Green has Unintended Results

The EU is revising a directive to cut down on packaging waste. The proposed change would require all packaging to be reusable or recyclable; at face value it seems a reasonable idea. However, it also states that all such packaging must include an “indelible code” to trace the recycling of materials. Problem is most breweries in the EU have refillable glass bottles with paper labels. There is no indelible code because it was not included when the glass was manufactured and the paper label is washed off so the bottle


Appalachian Mountain Brewery back in Hands of Original Owners

For years the large brewing corporations have acquired craft brewers as part of the strategy for gaining market share. However, as Craft Beer sales have stabilized the Mega brewers have shifted their attention to potential growth of other segments of the beverage industry (read that as seltzers and canned cocktails). All of which leads to the unusual sale of a Craft Brewery back to its original owners. The Boone, North Carolina based Appalachian Mountain Brewery, part of the Anheuser-Busch portfolio of Craft Breweries, was recently reacquired by original owners Nathan


Are You Drinking a Mistake

If you’re a fan of Pils, Vienna, Oktoberfest, Helles, Marzen, Bock and other varieties of Lager beer; you may be drinking an accident. A recently released study indicates that lager may have been the result of a contaminated batch of wheat beer. This lucky mistake occurred in Schwarzach, a small town in South Bavaria at the start of the 1600’s. Lager uses Saccharomyces Pastorianus, a different yeast than ales. The clue as to how this came about was when Saccharomyces Eubanus was discovered in the Patagonian Andes of Argentina during


Tombstone and Beer

                An unusual grave marker located in Winchester Cathedral, UK. A memorial to Thomas Thetcher who died on this date (12 May) in 1764, in part it reads that he “…died of a violent fever contracted by drinking Small Beer when hot.” It further reads “Here sleeps in peace a Hampshire Grenadier Who caught his death by drinking cold small beer Soldiers take heed from from his untimely fall, and when you’re hot, drink strong, or none at all. Mark your calendars, Mountain


Speights Ale

Speights Brewery (Lion Breweries – NZ) Dunedin, New Zealand  It pours an attractive copper color and raises a moderately-thick, off white head which lasts a reasonable time before diminishing. A clean malty aroma it is faintly but fruity and ale-like. The medium-thin body presents a caramel maltiness, light Spicy hops and low carbonation. It finishes slightly dry. Mark your calendars, Mountain Brewers Beer Fest –June 3rd, Idaho Falls, ID – TICKETS on sale now at https://myidahotix.com/events/mountain-brewers-beer-fest-2023-6-3-2023 Copyright Gregg Smith – His latest book “American Beer History” is available on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/American-Beer-History-Mayflower-Microbreweries/dp/108155410X/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=American+Beer+History&qid=1625503750&sr=8-2


Keg Champion Awards

The Steel Keg Association announced winners of their first annual Keg Champion Awards. Awards were presented in 7 categories and over 2,000 Breweries, Bars and Restaurants were nominated.  The Basis for the awards were, as described by the Association’s Executive Director. “They were distinguished by their commitment to sustainability and to delivering differentiated consumer experiences. Importantly, we also have a shared belief that this is not the culmination of an awards program, but just the beginning. Cheers to these winners and all of the keg champions out there.” In addition


Beers of the World – Russia

Baltika #4 Premium, Baltika Breweries, Russian Federation, Leningrad, Russia – A dark euro lager, in the glass it yields a bright medium amber color a thinnish head and sporadic lacing. Aroma is of dark fruits, toffee and light whiffs of brown sugar. The flavor profile begins with dark fruit then bread and caramel character emerges along with some brown sugar. Hops are earthy but subdued. Mouthfeel is light\medium with medium carbonation; it finishes semi-dry with notes of caramel. Mark your calendars, Mountain Brewers Beer Fest –June 3rd, Idaho Falls, ID


National Beer Day

On this day in 1933, Ninety years ago, Prohibition essentially came to an end. Repeal meant on this day the United States allowed the sale and consumption of Beer. Although the official end of prohibition lay in the future, official modification of the Volstead act allowed the sale of Beer. Mark your calendars, Mountain Brewers Beer Fest –June 3rd, Idaho Falls, ID – TICKETS on sale now at https://myidahotix.com/events/mountain-brewers-beer-fest-2023-6-3-2023 Copyright Gregg Smith – His latest book “American Beer History” is available on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/American-Beer-History-Mayflower-Microbreweries/dp/108155410X/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=American+Beer+History&qid=1625503750&sr=8-2


Guinness Sets opening for Chicago Taproom

            Guinness announced it plans on opening its second US Taproom (the first was in Baltimore) with the official name as Guinness Open Gate Brewery Chicago. Located at 901 W. Kinzie St. The project was originally announced in 2021 but was delayed by several circumstances. The 15,000 square foot facility Will feature a Taproom, restaurant, bakery, brewing facility and aging area. Aside from standard Guinness the up to 16 tap line-up will feature Guinness experimental beer. Mark your calendars, Mountain Brewers Beer Fest –June 3rd,


Harpoon IPA

Harpoon IPA, Harpoon Brewery, Boston, Massachusetts – Bright, medium\dark gold topped with a somewhat thin white head. Nose is floral and offers a piney almost resin quality. Flavor is sweet malt, caramel and citric notes of orange and grapefruit. Body is medium with a creamy mouthfeel produced by light carbonation. Hops are fairly assertive with a piney finish. This was one of the first successful east coast IPA’s. Mark your calendars, Mountain Brewers Beer Fest –June 3rd, Idaho Falls, ID – TICKETS on sale now at https://myidahotix.com/events/mountain-brewers-beer-fest-2023-6-3-2023 Copyright Gregg Smith