This Date in Beer History

On this day in 1543 Don Antonio de Medoza granted authorization to Alfonso de Herrera to build and operate a brewery in Mexico City. Truly a landmark event, it was the first brewery in all of the America’s. Beer Fest VIP tickets available now at or follow this link Copyright Gregg Smith – his latest book “American Beer History” is available on Amazon


WWII VET – 103: Still Drinks Beer

Andrew E. Slavonic, continues his streak. The World War Two Army Air Corps veteran first became a celebrity in 2018, at age 100, when he credited the effects of a daily 4 p.m. beer as the secret to his longevity. Slavonic celebrated his One hundred Third birthday in the same manner,   “I really think that is what is keeping him going so long,” said his son, Bob Slavonic. Andrew began his streak over a decade ago and continues to this day. Beer Fest VIP tickets available now at


Bad Beer Omen

On this day in 1917, President Woodrow Wilson set the legal high limit of alcohol in beer to 2.75% The reason given for the change was to conserve grain during World War One; in reality it was a warm up for Prohibition. As an aside, a level of 2.75% is considered too low to produce intoxication.  Beer Fest VIP tickets available now at or follow this link Copyright Gregg Smith – his latest book “American Beer History” is available on Amazon


  According to Brand Finance the leading beer brand in the world, is Corona, the remainder of the top Ten are (in order)  Heineken,  Budweiser, Bud Light, Victoria (Mexico), Kirin, Snow (China), Harbin(China), Modelo, Skol. Beer Fest VIP tickets available now at or follow this link Copyright Gregg Smith – his latest book “American Beer History” is available on Amazon


Beer of the Day: Kugalashae

Kugalashae, Tirana – The most popular beer in Albania and formulated under the pilsner style; pours a bright yellow\faint gold color with a quickly collapsing white head that stays out of your way. Aroma is of low caramel, sweet and perhaps a touch of diacetyl (butter). It presents a sweetness to the palate with some bittering and a balanced finish. Beer Fest VIP tickets available now at or follow this link Copyright Gregg Smith – his latest book “American Beer History” is available on Amazon  



Fruitcake, is perhaps the most feared of holiday gifts. Who eats it? Certainly not beer drinkers. Beer lovers hope for six packs of beer, and if very good over the past year they hope their reward will be a “big beer,” one with sufficient body and alcohol to ward off the cold chill of winter. But, surprisingly, it was fruitcake that gave mid-winter brews such distinctive character. Describing holiday beers (aka Winter Warmers, Wassails or Christmas beers) presents the beer world with one of its greatest challenges. Brewers, writers and


German Beer Laws Established

On this date in 1487 Bavaria enacted one of the first beer purity laws and set severe penalties for using anything other than barely, hops and water in brewing beer. It was the precursor to the famous Rheinheitsgebot law of 1516. Beer Fest VIP tickets available now at or follow this link        Copyright Gregg Smith – his latest book “American Beer History” is available on Amazon


BrewDog’s Climate Awareness Billboard Banned

A billboard which states F*** You CO2  with the middle of the first word blocked by a can of BrewDog IPA has been banned in Scotland by the Advertising Standards Authority. After receiving more than a score of complaints the ASA determined it was offensive. BrewDog has an established goal of becoming Carbon negative as its part in fighting climate change. It should be noted that any form of fermentation emits CO2 regardless of its production for beer, wine or spirits. Of course it’s also the gas used to carbonate


On November 28, 1728, the Boston Newsletter listed a scheme of expenses for the average family including the amount of money the family should set aside “…4 Small Beer for the Whole Day Winter and Summer….” Sometimes the Good Old Days were indeed good. 2021 Beer Fest VIP tickets on sale now at    


Beer Fest with no Crowd?

  What would it be like to enter the Beer Fest in Idaho Falls without the thousands of beer drinkers? You can find out June 5, 2021. Simply purchase one of the very limited VIP tickets that’ll get you in at 11 a.m. – a full hour before the General Admission tickets. Go the main page and select tickets or follow this link