Fat Yak Pale Ale, Matilda Bay Brewing Company, Port Melbourne, VIC, Australia – Loosely styled after an American Pale Ale, (APA), it pours a medium Golden\Copper color with a moderately lingering off-white head. An aroma of low caramel malt and hops mingles with a soft fruity nose. Moderate carbonation, malt and hops complete the profile of a lighter version of an American Pale Ale.

© Gregg Smith

Zoo Brew Returns with Beer, Canned Cocktails and Wine  August 18th from 5 to 9 p.m. In honor of Zoo Brew we’re looking at animal named beers – to purchase advance discounted tickets for Zoo Brew go here – https://www.eventbrite.com/e/zoo-brew-tickets-551700279387

Want to read more about the history of iconic American Beers? On Amazon try https://www.amazon.com/American-Beer-History-Mayflower-Microbreweries/dp/1081554