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For years the large brewing corporations have acquired craft brewers as part of the strategy for gaining market share. However, as Craft Beer sales have stabilized the Mega brewers have shifted their attention to potential growth of other segments of the beverage industry (read that as seltzers and canned cocktails). All of which leads to the unusual sale of a Craft Brewery back to its original owners. The Boone, North Carolina based Appalachian Mountain Brewery, part of the Anheuser-Busch portfolio of Craft Breweries, was recently reacquired by original owners Nathan Kelischek and Chris Zieber. Financial details were not disclosed; however, the former\new owners expressed appreciation of the A-B team which did expand the breweries presence throughout the Carolinas.

Mark your calendars, Mountain Brewers Beer Fest –June 3rd, Idaho Falls, ID – TICKETS on sale now at

Copyright Gregg Smith – His latest book “American Beer History” is available on Amazon