Harpoon IPA

Harpoon IPA, Harpoon Brewery, Boston, Massachusetts – Bright, medium\dark gold topped with a somewhat thin white head. Nose is floral and offers a piney almost resin quality. Flavor is sweet malt, caramel and citric notes of orange and grapefruit. Body is medium with a creamy mouthfeel produced by light carbonation. Hops are fairly assertive with a piney finish. This was one of the first successful east coast IPA’s. Mark your calendars, Mountain Brewers Beer Fest –June 3rd, Idaho Falls, ID – TICKETS on sale now at https://myidahotix.com/events/mountain-brewers-beer-fest-2023-6-3-2023 Copyright Gregg Smith


CANADA moving away from Beer?

What would Doug and Bob Mckenzie think? A newly released report from Statistics Canada, a government data collector, determined overall alcohol sales dropped in the Great White North for the first time in a decade, by 1.2%. Although beer remains the county’s most popular alcoholic beverage its sales have slipped by 8.8% over the past 10 years. Not surprisingly the beneficiary was Cider and Seltzers which claimed the majority of that drop by gaining 5 percent. Mark your calendars, Mountain Brewers Beer Fest –June 3rd, Idaho Falls, ID – TICKETS


Old Speckled Hen

Old Speckled Hen, Green King Brewery, Bury St. Edmunds, England – An ESB, it pours amber\light reddish brown with a creamy head. Aroma is floral hops, and a low note of butter typical of many ESB’s. Flavors are malty, toffee, nutty, biscuit-like, fruity, and low citric. Mouthfeel is medium\full with medium carbonation. It finishes with medium bitterness of earthy English hops. Old Speckled Hen offers a classic rendition of an ESB. Copyright Gregg Smith Mark your calendars, Mountain Brewers Beer Fest –June 3rd, Idaho Falls, ID – TICKETS on sale


Daybreak Pale Ale

Daybreak Pale Ale – Bale Breaker Brewing; Yakima, Washington – From the heart of Washington’s Hop Country Bale Breaker celebrates its tenth anniversary with the release of Daybreak Pale Ale. In their signature Hop-forward style Daybreak follows the lead of the brewery’s other beers, but does so while using just two hops, Simcoe and Mosaic. The result is a crisp beer with notes of grapefruit (of course) along with apricot, berries, melon and a bit of resin-like character. All that comes in a reasonable ABV of 5.5%. Look for it


La Trappe Dubbel

La Trappe Dubbel Abdij O.L.V. Koningshoeven, Berkel-Enschot, Netherlands – Deep orange-brown with a foamy light brown head, at times the bottle conditioning provides a slight haze\turbidity. The head diminishes in a moderate amount of time, but lacing remains along the glass. Aromas of dark fruit, distinctive Belgian-style yeast and caramel make up the nose with no discernable hops. A nice beer to sip and savor. © Gregg Smith Beer Fest Tickets – Mountain Brewers Beer Fest –June 3rd, Idaho Falls, ID – TICKETS on sale now at https://myidahotix.com/events/mountain-brewers-beer-fest-2023-6-3-2023 Copyright Gregg


Beers of the World – Sakara Weizen

Sakara Weizen – This self-styled wheat beer of the Al Ahram company has a medium gold hazy appearance common in a Weizen beer topped by a fairly thick and frothy but short lived white head. Body is medium; the flavor is light and spicy with low banana flavors and aromas expected in a wheat beer with a faint citric bitterness. The finish is fruity, watery and lightly sweet. © Gregg Smith Mountain Brewers Beer Fest –June 3rd, Idaho Falls, ID – TICKETS on sale now at https://myidahotix.com/events/mountain-brewers-beer-fest-2023-6-3-2023 Mark your calendars,


Beer in Art

This painting of a sailing ship certainly qualifies as art but what does it have to do with Beer? To find out come to The Art Museum of Eastern Idaho – for…. Beer in ART: A Walk Through Art (and Beer) History Presented by: Gregg Smith  SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2023, 4 – 5 PM Beer has been around for millennia and Art as well; if Art depicts life shouldn’t Beer have a place in Art? It does, and it can be seen over and over, but sometimes we need to


Beer in Art

Who created the man in this painting and what is he drinking? To find out come to….. The Art Museum of Eastern Idaho – for…. Beer in ART: A Walk Through Art (and Beer) History Presented by: Gregg Smith SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2023, 4 – 5 PM   Beer has been around for millennia and Art as well; if Art depicts life shouldn’t Beer have a place in Art? It does, and it can be seen over and over, but sometimes we need to know where to look. Explore where