Rationing Brewers

On March 31, 1941 Brewers were directly impacted by The U.S. Government’s introduction of  rationing both Tin and Steel. The limitations were a necessity brought about by the country’s increased aid to the United Kingdom in World War Two. Soon enough the U.S. itself would enter the conflict. Brewers were at times so short of the bottle’s ‘crown caps’ that they required customers to not only return the 24 bottles to a case, but also the bottles caps, which they would straighten and reuse. Beer in Art, Art Museum of


Beer Events List

April 2 – 4 p.m. “Beer in Art” at Art Museum of Eastern Idaho $10 with beer tasting May 30 – June 5 “Idaho Beer Week” Tap Take-overs throughout Idaho Falls June 4 – “Mountain Brewers Beer Fest” at Sandy Downs noon to 5 p.m. (Tickets on sale now) August 12 “Zoo Brew” at Tautphus Park Zoo 5 to 9 p.m. December 10 “Santa Crawl”   Beer in Art, Art Museum of Eastern Idaho on the river at 300 South Capital, Idaho Falls – Saturday, April 2nd from 4 to


Where’s the Beer

Ever seen this impressionist painting by Manet? Ever wonder if there was beer at that bar and if so, was it in the painting? Find out and Sample beers on a journey through Beer and Art. Hosted by the Art Museum of Eastern Idaho, this guided tour will place Beer and Art in a new light. Conducted as a fund raiser for the museum, admission is $10 at the door ($ 5 for members) and all proceeds benefit the Art Museum. Be there, on the river at 300 South Capital,


Prohibition’s last gasp

On this date in 1933 President Roosevelt signed the Cullen Act. Passed 8 days earlier by Congress, it was FDR’s signature that threw the final shovel of dirt on the tomb known as prohibition. With that signing the law was scheduled to go into effect on the following April 7th. Brewers immediately began restoring their plants to production. Be there at the Art Museum of Eastern Idaho, on the river at 300 South Capital, Idaho Falls – Saturday, April 2nd from 4 to 5 p.m. for sampling Beers and discover


Beer in Art

Sample some beers during a presentation on Beer in Art from the earliest days of civilization to modern times. Sometimes beer was the subject in great works of art and other times it was there to help set the scene or describe the societal ‘norms’  that period.  In some works Beer is front and center, in others it’s more subtle, but this guided tour will bring them out in the open. Be there at the Art Museum of Eastern Idaho, on the river at 300 South Capital, Idaho Falls –