This Day in Beer History

In 2003, at a German beer association ceremony in Cologne being held at the 487th anniversary of the Beer purity law, or Reinheitsgebot, ‘Super Minister’ Wolfgang Clement won a beer drinking contest by downing a glass of Kolsch in 1.5 seconds. Clement was reported to have said, “You have to push your uvula back, then the beer flows direct down your throat. You can’t enjoy the taste, but it gets there fast” Beer Fest tickets available now at or follow this link Copyright Gregg Smith – His latest book “American



Ursus Black, Ursus Breweries, Cluj Napoca, Romania – Ursus, or Bear, thus it is named after a Black Bear. Dark, nearly opaque, it is topped with a creamy colored head. Aroma is of dark bread, dark malts, and dark sugars. It presents a dark almost burnt character, offset by an intense sweetness and punctuated with a bit of licorice. Mouthfeel is similar to a Schwartz beer and seems light compared to the intense sweetness. Bitterness makes an appearance in the finish. Beer Fest tickets available now at or follow


Beers of the World – Italy

Birrra Moretti La Rossa, Birra Moretti, Italy – It announces its arrival in the glass with an attractive, bright red\amber color topped with a lasting cream-tan head. Aroma is soft with equal amounts of dark bread and dark fruits which includes prunes, raisins and a bit of molasses. With all that the body is lighter than anticipated. With this beer emphasis is placed squarely on the malt and alcohol, hops are subtle and restrained. Finish is perfumey alcohol and a light spiciness. Beer Fest tickets available now at or


Social Distance Case of Beer

North Brewing Company of Leeds, UK has released the World’s longest case of beer. At over 2 meters in length (more than 6 feet) it’s called the perfect size for social distancing. Lacking any other way to celebrate the opening of their new brewery during the pandemic the owners thought the super-sized case would provide a bit of humor. The case weighs over 88 pounds and contains 99 cans of beer, enough to fill a bathtub. Don’t look for it in any store; its size requires 2 people to lift