This Day in Beer History

On September 17, 1787 following the close of deliberations of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, George Washington recorded in his diary “The business being closed, the members adjourned to the City Tavern….” Unfortunately, there is no record of who bought the first round. Zoo Brew will be celebrated tonight at the Idaho Falls Zoo, tickets on sale at the door or at Copyright Gregg Smith – His latest book “American Beer History” is available on Amazon


Beers of the World

Belikin Belize Brewing Co., Ltd. Belize City, Belize – The name “Belikin” comes from the Mayan language and means “Road to the East” and ex-pats in an evading rush to Belize are chastened by a ‘one beer’ country; or at least a country where-in the imports are controlled by one company. Thus, most are driven to Belikin, which presents a medium gold appearance with a rather thick head that collapses in good order. Aroma offers a hint of caramel and adjunct grains. Flavor is of caramel, bread, grass, sweet corn


Zoo Brew – September 17, 2021

Enjoy an evening at the zoo in the evening when the animals are active; better yet, you can sample great beers. Food is available at Kookaburra Kafe, and at tasting stations throughout the zoo. Wine tasting available. ID required. Purchase tickets at Copyright Gregg Smith – His latest book “American Beer History” is available on Amazon