Chuckanut Brewery Expansion

Five years after opening, the Chuckanut Brewery will begin a $ 2.5 million expansion for bottling and canning at their Port of Skagit, Washington facility, North of Seattle. A regular winner at the North American Beer awards and International Beer Awards the project will double the brewery’s footprint and increase production from 4,000 to 8,000 barrels a year. As with many other breweries they were stifled by Covid-19 and couldn’t keep up with the demand for packaged products. They expect to double their staff to a total of 35 once


Beers of the World

Fuller’s London Pride, Fuller Smith & Turner, Chiswick, West London, England – English Pale Ale of some noteworthiness, London Pride is of a bright light amber color with a slightly off-white head which laces down the glass. Aroma of fruity esters as expected in an ale mingling with English hop varieties. Flavors are malty caramel, sweet, a bit of breadiness and the earth tones of British hops. Carbonation is low to moderate in a medium bodied beer. Finishes with well-balanced caramel and hops. Beer Fest tickets available now at


This Day in Beer History

On this day in Beer History in 1887 the Rahr Brewery in Green Bay, Wisconsin suffered one of the worst disasters in US brewing. The company’s brewery at 1317 Main Street was attempting start-up of a brand-new boiler when the brew kettle’s steam jacket failed catastrophically. The burst jacket propelled several feet of water into the brewery killing six employees. Beer Fest tickets available now at or follow this link Copyright Gregg Smith – His latest book “American Beer History” is available on Amazon


Beer Review

Stubbornness, English Style Barley Wine, Bombastic Brewing, A deep, deep amber brown beer with a tan-like head, sports a nose of strongly malt and alcohol notes, small surprise for a 12.9% abv beer. It’s malt forward in this one, backed with earthy notes commonly found in English varieties of hops. Finish is long, malty and somewhat sweet without reaching cloying. Beer Fest tickets available now at or follow this link Copyright Gregg Smith – His latest book “American Beer History” is available on Amazon