Best Thing Since Sliced Bread

On this date in 1935 Krueger Brewing Company, in cooperation with American Can Company, released canned beer for the first time. Richmond Virginia was the test market for this new product. At that time it required a can opener (church key) a concept so new the beer came with instructions on how to open it. So if you have a beer today lift your’s in a toasting salute to Krueger and canned beer. Mountain Brewer Beer Fest – Idaho Falls June 6, 2020; Tickets on sale now at


Dark Day In Beer History

On this date in 1920 Prohibition was enacted in the United States when the 36th state (UTAH) voted to ratify the 18th amendment. It brought on 13 dry years which the majority of the public never supported.   Show you wouldn’t support prohibition by purchasing a ticket to the Mountain Brewers Beer Fest in Idaho Falls (June 6, 2020)  Tickets on sale now at


Ringnes Bryggeri

  Ringnes Bryggeri, Oslo – is Norway’s largest selling beer. It offers a deep straw color with hints of orange hue. A white head of moderate height may produce a bit of lacing along the walls of the glass. Aroma is of sweet malt with only a hint of hops. Flavor is of a slight bitterness as normal in the pilsner style and includes a bit of graininess within the malt. Body is light with moderate carbonation and clean light finish. © Gregg Smith Mountain Brewers Beer Fest – June