International Beer Awards

Today, May 17, 2022 is the deadline for entering the 2022 International Beer Awards. Entries are only $ 40 per beer in this All Volunteer Powered event and all money raised goes to charity. Entry information at


Beers of the World – China

Snow Beer, China Resources Breweries Limited (originally brewed in) Shenyang, China – Light straw colored, Snow pours bright. A low suggestion of grain rises off the beer with a hint of cooked corn. Generally of the American Pilsner style, it has a light body with just enough hops to offer a little bittering bite. Mouthfeel is light and carbonation is lively.  Much like the Japanese Dry Beer style the Chinese to desired a light beer they could consume without interfering with food. Snow seems to fit that mold. Beer Fest


Beers of the World: Costa Rica

Bavaria Dark, Florida Beer Company, La Ribera de Belén, Heredia, Costa Rica – Described by some as a version of a Schwarzbier, and by others as Munich Dunkel, it’s actually a sort of hybrid and more like Negro Model in a light rendition of that type. Off medium-dark brown color it has an off-white head and some lacing. A mild hop aroma mingles with an almost toasty malt nose. The taste has hints of chocolate, roast malt, and nutty in a well-balanced beer. Mouthfeel is a bit creamy. Bavaria finishes


This Day in Beer History

May 9, 1775 – As Delegates arrived in Philadelphia for the Second Continental Congress, they informally gathered at places which they knew were amenable to political discussion – Taverns. Two of the most popular among delegates were the City Tavern and the Indian Queen. Located at fourth Street and Franklin Court the Tavern was also a hotel and several delegates made it their temporary residence. It served the same purpose in 1787, when in a ‘backroom’ style deal several delegates hammered out the ‘Connecticut Compromise’ which resulted in creation of